The Community Practitioner Journal is an interdisciplinary journal on social welfare. It provides a forum community practice, including community planning, social administration, organizational development, community development, social action, and social change, engineering developments, sciences, urban planning, social and economic development, community organizing, policy analysis, urban and rural sociology, community health, public administration, and nonprofit management. As a forum for authors and a resource for readers, this journal makes an invaluable contribution to practice in community settings from conceptualization to implementation to evaluation.
The Community Practitioner Journal articulates contemporary and emerging issues, providing direction on how to think about social problems, developing innovative approaches to dealing with them and outlining ways to implement these concepts and approaches in classroom, research, and practice settings. As the only journal focusing on community practice, it covers research, theory, practice, and curriculum strategies for the full range of work with communities and organizations
A unique opportunity has been extended to scholars from all fields to publish their manuscript in the multidisciplinary journal: Original Research papers from all subjects
The journal accepts manuscripts in four format types: full-length original research manuscripts, from the field, from the classroom, and innovations in Community Research. All manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo double anonymous peer review.